How to Find the Best Car Rental Deals


Whether you travel to UAE for business or a holiday, you might want to rent a vehicle. It is a convenient way to get around and visit all the locations you are interested in.

Quick navigation

  1. How to Save on Car Rentals
  2. How to Find Cheap Rental Cars: Top Tips and Tricks
  3. Do the Research
  4. Use Car Rental Aggregators
  5. Search for Discounts Online
  6. Learn What is in the Contract
  7. Ask About Monthly Deals
  8. In Summary

With a personal car, you are not tight to any schedules and can get anywhere you want anytime. You can also take trips and visit more cities and places during your stay in the country.

UAE is known for its luxurious lifestyle all around. So, one might think renting a vehicle here will cost significant money. However, it is possible to find affordable car rental options.

In this article, you'll get top tips on how to find those deals and hire a vehicle for a reasonable price. With a strategic approach, you'll be able to get the best deal and make your visit to UAE an enjoyable experience.

How to Save on Car Rentals

First of all, it is essential to understand how estimations work. When you know what goes into the price, you can decide what you are willing to pay for and what is not worth the money.

Although there are many different rental providers, the pricing factors are overall the same, namely:

  • Type of car. Sport and luxurious vehicles will be pricier, which is understandable. SUVs can come for a higher rate, too. However, there are economic models as well. Smaller and simpler models are more budget-friendly. Pay attention to how much fuel each model needs, as it also will impact the end value.
  • Insurance. There is basic insurance and additional options. Basic insurance is a legal requirement, so all companies provide it in a standard package. If you already have extra insurance on your own vehicle or through a credit card, there is no reason to pay for an additional one.
  • Rental period. As a rule, more extended contracts are more affordable. So, if you are planning to stay in UAE for a month, it might be a good idea to hire a vehicle for the whole duration of the stay.
  • Mileage. In most cases, every vehicle comes with a limited mileage. It is a feature you must also pay for if you want an unlimited one. Evaluate how much you are going to drive and whether an unlimited mileage is something you need.
  • Travel season. There are peak tourist seasons, and they impact the rates. Holidays and weekends tend to have the same effect but on a smaller scale. It is better to rent beforehand and off-season or during a weekday.
  • Pick-up and drop-off locations. Some of the locations come with additional charges. For instance, if you decide to pick up your vehicle at the airport, it can be more costly. So it is a question of convenience sv budget.
  • Any additional features you want the vehicle to have, like a child's car seat, fuel, or GPS system.

A lot of features can be negotiated or skipped depending on your needs. Now, let's get into the tips on how to save money on rental car Dubai.

How to Find Cheap Rental Cars: Top Tips and Tricks

Do the Research

It might not sound fancy and fun, but research is step number one. Do not settle for the first service provider you find online.

You must look into several providers to learn about the prices, contracts, and deals. Compare the prices, especially if they offer the same model of the car. It will give you a good idea of what to expect.

Read more about each provider's services, additional features, rental periods, etc. Usually, comparison is a perfect solution for those who go to UAE for the first time and do not know much about the rental market.

Pay attention to such features as:

  • Prices;
  • Hidden fees and features you need to pay for additionally;
  • Types of vehicles each provider offers (some focus on the premium segment, others have economic options as well);
  • Locations to pick up and drop off the car (are there additional fees?);
  • Types of contracts offered.

Take your time to read through all the fine print. You can also visit price comparison sites and check the best options. The rule of thumb is to stay away from something extremely expensive and be cautious of deals that look too good to be true.

Use Car Rental Aggregators

Another great way to streamline research is to use aggregator websites with multiple service providers. It makes it so much easier to compare all the rates and features.

Also, you won't need to open every site separately and look through all the drop-down lists. Aggregators also have contracts with providers, and they can help customers get the best offer. There might be even more information on how to get rental car discounts.

By using an aggregator, you'll save time and money. You can land an exclusive deal or find a better vehicle to your liking. Another huge advantage of such platforms is that renting is usually pretty easy, and you do not have to make many calls.

Search for Discounts Online

One of the most straightforward answers to the question "How can I get a discount on a rental car?" is to look online for promo codes.

Although the result is not guaranteed, it is worth trying anyway. Rental companies often offer discounts for online bookings. So, if that's your method, look for promo codes online or on the company's site.

Secondly, check out the seasonal discounts. The rates are higher for the peak season. But if you are traveling off-season, there might be great deals available.

Overall, renting off-season is always cheaper. Another tip here is to rent ahead of time. Urgent orders are pricier. But if you plan your trip beforehand, you can save a decent amount of money.

Thirdly, look into loyalty programs. It is irrelevant for everyone, but it may be a great idea if you are a regular traveler. Loyalty programs always have something to deliver to customers in terms of benefits and discounts.

Learn What is in the Contract

Let's say you've found a credible provider and set your mind on a particular car. What is next? Now, you need to look carefully into the contract and what it includes. There may be features you do not need. And if you are not going to use them, why pay for them?

Here is what you need to ask about:

  • Additional services. You may be offered add-ins like unlimited mileage or roadside assistance for fees. Consider each one of them closely. Do you really need them? If not, just decline them.
  • Insurance. The company usually provides basic insurance. Learn what it covers and figure out whether you need an additional one.
  • Ask about extra charges and look for hidden fees in the contract. For instance, an airport pick-up can be more expensive.
  • Ask about the features included in the package, like mileage, cruise control, USB charger, Salik charges, etc.
  • Figure out who you need to contact in case of an emergency. It is essential to know who to call in case something goes wrong with the car or you get into an accident on the road. Many rental providers will offer assistance and support for such cases. It is pretty helpful for foreigners who are not well-versed in local rules and regulations.

When looking into different models, search for fuel-efficient and economic ones. You can find reasonably-priced options if you do not need a massive car with a cutting-edge entertainment system.

If you are unsure what model is the most suitable, you can ask the company's consultant to help you. Not everyone is an expert in all brands and models; there is nothing wrong with needing a piece of advice.

Ask About Monthly Deals

If you are planning to ride a lot, consider a monthly deal. Cars are one of the most convenient ways to get around the UAE. There are some beautiful locations you can get only by driving there. Or if you are going to commute every day, it might be a perfect option.

Monthly deals are more cost-effective and come with different perks. Longer renting periods have lower rates and are much more comfortable. Also, look for coupons that may be offered by the travel agency or the rental provider. Combining all these allows you to save money and get a reliable vehicle.

Alternatively, you can ask the provider about "how do you get discounts on rental cars." There might be some offers you didn't find in your research.

In Summary

Although the UAE is known for luxurious vehicles, you do not have to break your budget to get around. There are plenty of opportunities to rent a good car for a reasonable rate. It will take some planning and researching, but the result is worth the effort.

Always compare rates from different providers and look for reliable yet efficient models. Consider what features you actually need and what you can skip on. Search online for promo codes and discounts. Also, try using aggregator platforms for easy comparison of the offers.