What is Makani number?


A Makani number is an innovative addressing system that is mostly utilized in populated cities worldwide. This is because it helps people locate buildings and various facilities, which can be quite troublesome due to the many buildings around. In addition, it makes it easy for tourists and foreigners to navigate big cities without getting lost. Read on to familiarize yourself with what is a Makani number in Dubai, how to find it, and its benefits.

Quick navigation

  1. What Is a Makani Number in Dubai?
  2. Where to Find Makani Number Dubai?
  3. Website
  4. Smartphone App
  5. Building's Reception
  6. How Does the Makani Number Help?
  7. An Emergency Case
  8. Police Assistance
  9. Order a Taxi
  10. Share Your Exact Location
  11. Easily Find Other Locations

What Is a Makani Number in Dubai?

Makani number was first introduced in Dubai in 2015 and has been of great help to the local government, residents, and tourists. This is because every high-rise building and property in Dubai has a designated number that enhances the easy location of what you need. The Makani number is an intelligent numbering system consisting of 10 digits, each unique across different buildings and properties.

Although the system is available across several UAE cities, Dubai was the pioneer, which classifies it as one of the most innovative destinations. You can use these addressing systems when locating malls, parks, residential properties, and hospitals, among other popular destinations in Dubai.

Where to Find Makani Number Dubai?

Finding a Makani number is quite easy as there are several options to use, as articulated below:


You can access the Makani number of choice by visiting the official website and typing www.makani.ae. Enable location access on your device to facilitate a search option by the system. You will get the option to choose a building or any other kind of property on the map. The website will generate the Makani number of the location you are looking for.

Smartphone App

Besides the website, you can download the smartphone app using the Play Store or App Store. After installing the app, allow location access on your smartphone device to track your location. Select the building or plot to access the 10-digit Makani number.

Building's Reception

Buildings in Dubai have a Makani number displayed on a plate at the entrances. Another great aspect is that buildings with several entrances have Makani number displays on each entrance. This mostly applies to high-rise buildings, malls, and parks, to mention a few.

How Does the Makani Number Help?

Makani numbers in Dubai are great in enhancing navigation due to the many properties in the city. They allow you to access your desired location with ease which boosts turnaround time while residing or visiting Dubai. However, there are other distinct benefits of using Makani numbers, as discussed below:

An Emergency Case

Makani numbers can help you in the event of an emergency, particularly when you don't know your exact location. This is because you can easily identify where you are and share details with the authorities who can help you. An example is using Makani numbers when you want to access medical help.

Police Assistance

Using Makani numbers to access police assistance is one of its prime advantages. This is because it helps save time when informing the authorities of your location. Additionally, residents can register their Makani numbers with the authorities to enable police to locate them with ease when they need their assistance.

Order a Taxi

Makani numbers have proven effective when ordering a taxi in Dubai, as they enhance accuracy when departing and arriving at various destinations in the city. These numbers have smart accuracy as they provide location details within 1 square meter. This allows you to save time when booking a taxi and travel to the exact location or building.

Share Your Exact Location

Dubai is one of the biggest cities in the UAE and worldwide, which can result in misjudging your specific location. Thanks to the Makani numbers, you can share your exact location with no worries. This feature makes life easier when visiting various buildings and locations in the city.

Easily Find Other Locations

The Makani website and mobile apps allow you to find other locations in Dubai with ease. This is because these tools work similarly to Google Maps, where you search for the location of choice. Additionally, you will enjoy other Makani number features like voice assistance, route traffic, and distance estimation, to mention a few.

What is Makani app in Dubai?

Makani app is a tool that improves efficiency when accessing Makani numbers in Dubai. This is because it is compatible with Android and iOS devices, and you can enter the plot's or building's address to get the Makani number from the comfort of your home or office.

How to find out Makani number in Dubai?

You can find various Makani numbers in Dubai using the website and smartphone apps by typing the building's or location's address. Alternatively, you can check the Makani number at the entrances of your desired location.

What are the features of Makani number in Dubai?

Makani number users in Dubai will enjoy various benefits, like sharing location, identifying exact locations, distance calculation, voice assistance, and status of traffic, among others.