How to Drive in a Sandstorm in Dubai


Dubai, renowned for its luxurious lifestyle and beautiful scenery, has another side that people rarely discuss. The city is nestled in the heart of the Arabian desert. Therefore, it is prone to extreme climatic conditions that can be dire if not adequately managed. One of such climatic conditions is sandstorms.

Quick navigation

  1. Don't Panic
  2. Pull Up the Windows
  3. Keep the Exterior Lights On
  4. Slow Down
  5. Never Stop Suddenly
  6. Take Your Vehicle off the Highway
  7. Turn Off Your Vehicle Lights
  8. Stay On Top of the Situation
  9. Conclusion

The rapidly growing hub of modernity and technology cannot escape the occasional intrusion of nature. In such a case, managing it is the only option. However, driving through a Dubai sandstorm is a unique experience. But many people don't understand what a sandstorm means and how it happens. The lack of knowledge also makes navigating through it behind the wheel enigmatic.

Suppose you rent a car in Dubai and find yourself behind the wheel during a sandstorm. It's crucial to stay calm and follow the tips highlighted in this article to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.

Don't Panic

A sandstorm is a natural phenomenon characterized by strong winds carrying fine particles of sand, reducing visibility and creating unsafe driving conditions. While a sandstorm can be scary, panicking will not solve the problem but make it worse. It will make you lose control of the situation and make irrational decisions, leading to greater problems.

As such, it is best that you stay calm, as sandstorms are an integral part of the environment’s climate. Remember that many people have successfully navigated such situations in the past. This will give you the assurance you need that it is not an impossible situation. With your emotions in check, prepare to take control of the situation.

Pull Up the Windows

Leaving your window wind-down during a sandstorm can let the sand particles enter your car. In the process, the particles can enter your eyes and nose, causing safety hazards. You should also keep sand out of your car to protect its interior. Keeping the sand out further ensures your car stays functional by keeping fine sand out of the engine bay.

Keep the Exterior Lights On

Visibility is crucial to keep driving during a sandstorm. With the sandstorm drastically reducing visibility, keeping your exterior lights on is necessary. It may help the other driver notice your car easily, preventing the risk of collision and accidents.

Slow Down

The blowing sand can create a sudden change in the road. This can be dangerous while driving at a high speed as it may prevent you from reacting on time.

Note that the reduced visibility during a sandstorm means you may not be able to see the driver ahead. As such, slowing down helps ensure you give them adequate gaps, preventing collisions and accidents. Furthermore, pay attention to road signs indicating the suitable driving speed during such situations and adhere to them.

Never Stop Suddenly

A sudden stop during a sandstorm can lead to an accident or collision. The accident will occur when other drivers cannot react in time to your sudden stop to prevent a collision. It can also result in your vehicle getting stuck in the sand, leaving you stranded.

Take Your Vehicle off the Highway

If you notice the sandstorm is too severe, consider exiting the highway. This decision could be all you need to prevent collisions and accidents. You can also escape wind gusts, making you lose control of your vehicle.

Use a designated parking lot or rest area when seeking refuge from the sandstorm. Calmly plan your exit, signaling and changing lanes in the right way. Turn on the hazard light and stay in the vehicle until the storm is over.

Turn Off Your Vehicle Lights

Turning off your vehicle’s light during an extreme sandstorm may be your last resort. The lights can be counterproductive in an extreme situation. The blowing sand can scatter the light shields, causing extreme reflection and blinding you and other drivers.

Stay On Top of the Situation

Stay informed about the weather conditions before embarking on your journey. Sandstorms are more likely during certain seasons, and knowing about potential storms can help you plan your travels accordingly. Stay updated with the weather news and constantly look out for alternative routes.


Dubai sandstorms present a unique set of challenges. They can be difficult to navigate behind the wheel, so drivers must be vigilant and informed.

With the necessary preparation and precautions, you contribute to a safer environment for yourself and others during these weather events. The focus during a sandstorm is not just to reach your destination – it is reaching there safely.